My Dream Catcher

Apr 4, 2020 - Explore Brandy Meverden-Potts's board 'Dream Catcher Drawings', followed by 802 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about dream catcher, dream catcher drawing, drawings.

So I'm looking to get a tattoo of a dream-catcher, I already have an artist waiting to draw it out I just need to give him a few more details about it.
I was hoping someone would know that meaning behind the different colors in dream-catchers as well as the meaning of the amount of beads in the webbing, the amount of feathers on hanging from the dream-catcher and finally the meaning behind the type of feather. If someone could help me out with that it would be amazing!
Thank you!

  • My wife got a dream catcher a few years ago and although I said they are nonsense (because I didn't know about them),I just thought they were a harmless old Native american thing and it's just an ornament sort of thing.I have since found out that they don't filter out bad dreams at all they are part of the occult and do the opposite to what they claim.My wife also had a thing called a 'circle.
  • I was wondering where. You got the number 10 from.A tradional dream catcher has 7-13 points with 7 representing the 7 nations or the 7 grandfathers. 8 is also common and reptesents the 8 legs of the spider. So saying that 10 points is somewhat untrue.

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Where Do I Hang My Dream Catcher

Dreamcatchers are Ojibwa cradle decorations invented in the 1920's. They are crib mobiles, nothing more. They have no special meaning or significance. They are designed to entertain babies as they sway in the breeze. That's ALL they are.
I know new-age people ascribe all sorts of ridiculous notions to them. We find it totally hysterical.
We are totally baffled by non-natives obsession with them. Getting a tattoo of a dream catcher is like getting a tattoo of a baby's pacifier. really. You'll never see an indian with a dreamcatcher tattoo, nor does any indian over the age of 4 own one. The one great thing about people who get dreamcatcher tattoos is that it instantly marks you as someone who has no clue about native culture.

I know that every thing on a dream catcher has some kind of meaning. The link below might help you.

All the parts of the dream catcher has meaning.
To begin, the web represent the spider our brother of life for ever repairing the eternal web of life. Thus weaving your life dreams and energy in the universe when you dream.
The ring represents the earth mother and the humble walk we do upon her. The ring was also covered with multi-colored wool representing in my mind and spirit aspects of your personality, moods and emotions. The beads on the web are of the 7 directions thus calling upon them to bless you.
As we believe that we are related to all things and that all things are part of us then the Dream Catcher and medicine wheel is a representation of such sacred belief.
The first color is blue representing Father Sky and all that lives in the sky; grandfather sun, grandmother moon, Star nation and Creation.
The second colored beads are purple this is the color of the inner self and the introspection of where the Creator lives, within us all.
The third color is Yellow this represents the direction of the East where the Yellow Nation is and we call upon their ancestors and the wisdom they carry to come in and teach us. It is also the direction of where the sun rises every day therefore a new beginning. We put the Sacred Eagle in that direction and call upon the abilities to see far beyond what is in front of us and to focus on the task at hand.
The fourth color is Red for the Red Nation. In this direction we call upon their ancestors to come and teach us how to take care of the land and do the work necessary for our families to grow in a strong foundation. It is the direction of honesty, hard work, family, integrity and love.
The fifth color is black. This color represents two roads. The direction of the Black nation and we call upon their ancestors to come and help with healing, also how to care for the water. It is also the direction of the black road, the one of self destruction, abuse and so on. Therefore we pray for understanding of such since we say Creator of all good things. We pray for the lessons that these people bring to us.
The sixth color is of the White nation. We acknowledge the white people and their ancestors. The knowledge and the wisdom on how to use that knowledge in a good way.
The 7th direction is of the color green representing Mother Earth. The one who feeds us, clothes, and protects us from the elements. She supplies all that we need in order to live on this earth. We give thanks for her.
In your Dream catcher, I have finalized the eye with purple again. This is to remind you that we are spiritual beings in all aspects of life and that without such believe then we continuously search the reason of our being and try to explain it in many different formats.
Once the ring and the web are weaved, it represents love, honesty and purity. All of the elements of the dream catcher together represent the earth, fire and water. Things we need to live. So when I make a Dream catcher the feathers are of the Eagle one of our most Sacred Animal Spirit. The Eagle to me is part of my Native ways and is in my personal medicine wheel in the East which represents the ability to fly high and close to the Creator. It also represents part of my name and the Society that was founded for the purpose of advancing the Native American Way of living.
It represents the ability to be love and to love, to take the risk and get out of the nest and fly on your own, the ability to live beyond your shadows. Once put on the dream catcher it represents the air.
If you received a dream catcher you have received an object that represents the 4 elements of life. Earth, Water, Fire and Air, all the things necessary to sustain life. May you have a happy, dreamful life with this dream catcher and good Karma.

If you own a dream catcher and for whatever reason you may want to get rid of it you may wonder what is the best way to get rid of it. Now as the dream catcher has been used to catch nightmares you may want to make sure you dispose of it correctly.

My Dream Car Book

My Dream Catcher

There are two methods that are best recommended to get rid of your dream catcher, cleansing it by leaving it in the sun for a day or burning it to burn all the bad dreams caught up in the past few weeks, months or even years.


Cleansing your dream catcher


Probably the easiest and best way to dispose of your dream catcher is to hang it in the sun light outside for over 4 hours which will kill off all the evil spirits. This was used by the founding tribe of dream catchers who actually did this to get rid of bad spirits in the dream catcher. This works by emptying your dream catcher and can actually be the most effective method and I would also recommend doing this if you are also planning to keep your dream catcher as well as if you buy a new one.


Should you burn your dream catcher after you used it

If you have used your dream catcher for a while you may not exactly want to just throw it in the trash as if you do this and it gets broken all the bad dreams and nightmares are released back into the world and will be able to effect other peoples dream as well as yours. The tribe who began using dream catchers actually began to burn dream catchers if they became damaged. They did this to get rid of the evil spirits and is not the most practical method if you live in an apartment or don’t want to be seen burning your dream catcher. However you can find out if your dream catcher will go to an incinerator or a land fill by looking at your states local trash collection website.

Will burying a dream catcher work?

Probably not! If you are looking to dispose of a dreamcatcher properly the only two ways are burning it or cleansing it. If you bury the dream catcher the dreams will remain there and although the bad dreams can not effect you still, chances are that somewhere in the future that dream catcher will either get dug up, eaten by bugs or decay leading to it begin damaged and thus will release the bad dreams into the world.

Handmade Dream Catchers For Sale

What you shouldn’t do


The things you shouldn’t do when getting rid of your dream catcher is to just throw it in the trash. At a minimum you should cleanse it before throwing it out. You also do not want to cut it up, damage it or break it in any way as mentioned this will cause the bad dreams to be released again and as they are your dreams will likely come back to haunt you and cause nightmares.

Why Is My Dream Catcher Giving Me Nightmares

Another thing that I would advise against doing is giving away your dream catcher or selling it. The reason you do not see many used dream catchers for sale is for the reason that you will have no control of it once it is sold. The person who buys it from you may damage it or not dispose of it correctly and if it has a number of your nightmares stored on it they could potentially release them.

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